Goal 1

Enhanced partnerships with business/industry to meet student and local workforce needs.

CER Goal 1 Performance Indicator 1

Eighty-Five percent of students enrolled in CTE courses report being employed in a job very closely or closely related to their field of study within 18 months of leaving the College. Source: SSM Launchboard. 

CER Goal 1 Performance Indicator 2

Increased participation in advisory councils (CTE and otherwise) and increased involvement with other business/industry groups connected to student and local workforce needs.

Objective CER1.1

Improve internal coordination to ensure a mission-aligned approach to expanding business, industry, and community partnerships.

Objective CER1.2

Delivery methods for current and potential educational content meet community, industry, and other mission-specific needs.



CER Goal 1 Progress Report 2019-2020

CER Goal 1 Progress Report 2020-2021

CER Goal 1 Progress Report 2021-2022

