Goal 6

Improve completion of transfer-level math and English courses within a one-year timeframe through changes to curriculum and teaching/learning practices.

IP Goal 6 Performance Indicator

Degree/transfer seeking students completing both transfer-level math and transfer-level English within the first year increases by eight percentage points by 2025. Baseline is 9.6%; target is 17.6%. Source: SSM Launchboard.

Objective IP6.1

Improve communication to high schools of the benchmarks needed for math, English, and ESL at COM, engaging in anti-racist practices to improve access and success (see also IP Goal 2). 

Objective IP6.2

Improve universal design pedagogy and curriculum to ensure the success of COM's racially and culturally diverse students in the program relevant gateway math and English courses.

Objective IP6.3

Improve universal design pedagogy and curriculum to ensure the success of COM's racially and culturally diverse students in content courses with identified math and English skills.




IP Goal 6 Progress Report 2019-2020

IP Goal 6 Progress Report 2020-2021

IP Goal 6 Progress Report 2021-2022