August 2013

By noldendick
August 1st, 2013 - 12:00am

The end of the academic year 2012-13 denotes the first deadline for the accomplishment of the 57 action steps in the College of Marin Strategic Plan 2012-2015. As a reminder, these 57 action steps are related to the following 13 objectives:

  1. Enrollment Management
  2. Instructional Technology
  3. College of Marin Distance Education Plan 2012-2015
  4. Professional Development for Instructional Technology
  5. Student Success Initiative
  6. Teaching and Learning Strategies
  7. Community Partnership
  8. Facilities Plan
  9. Technology Plan
  10. Assessment, Program Review, and Resource Allocation
  11. Fiscal Stability
  12. Financial Planning and Budgeting
  13. Communication with Community

Question (fill in the blank):  The College has accomplished ____ percentage of the Strategic Plan’s 57 action steps for the first year?
Answer: The College has accomplished 95 percent of its 57 action steps for this first year.